Monday, April 13, 2009


Alright, I am really going to do a better job of updating this. Here is the latest news from your personal savior.

I started painting again. I finished a night scene of a cemetery titled "No Flowers." Sorry the picture kind of sucks. In all fairness I was holding my computer up and using the web cam to take it. I really need a digital camera.

Currently, I am working on something new that will hopefully turn out pretty bad ass. It is going to be a scarecrow tied to a cross with a fire red sunset in the background.

In other news, I saw Observe and Report last weekend. It wasn't exactly what I expected it to be. It was quite a bit darker than I would have thought from seeing the trailers. I think it addressed an interesting question. Will you cheer on the violent hero even if he/she is completely flawed and potentially more dangerous than any of the enemies? You really want to pull for Seth Rogan's character, but if you actually sit back and think about it he is a very unstable and dangerous individual. In some sense it reminded me of the movie Funny Games which tackled a similar question.

I'm unveiling a new feature and it is going to be the quote of post (lets be realistic, I won't update this everyday). The quote of the day will probably reflect what kind of mood I am in on that particular day or at that particular time. If anyone either reads this or can deduce where the quote is from they will win a very insignificant prize.

"It would be nice if things could turn out right, turn out right yeah. Don't think I'll ever see the day."

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