Sunday, June 5, 2011

Examining the weird

I have always been interested in the macabre. A few months ago my parents went to a talk by a gentleman who wrote a book titled, "The Wisconsin Road Guide to Haunted Locations." They bought a copy and had the author sign it. I enjoyed paging through it over the winter, but I wasn't very motivated to go check these places out due to the cold and road conditions. However, over the last few weeks the weather has improved, opening up a ton of opportunities to visit some of these places. I plan to share some of my experiences here at Under the Cellar Door.

I feel like I need to make a few things clear before I continue with my tales. First and foremost, I don't believe that ghosts, spirits or demons actually exist. I am interested in why and how other people believe in these phenomena. In a way I wish that these things did exist. The world would certainly be a more interesting place with ghosts, demons and spirits antagonizing mortals at every turn. Second, I am as respectful as is possible when I am visiting these places. You won't find me trespassing on or disrespecting the resting place of someone's lost loved ones.

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